Subject: ND Life 1.2 (two versions) Author: S. Weyer Uploaded By: SteveWeyer Date: 5/2/1995 File: life-12.sit (34023 bytes) Estimated Download Time (37942 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 298 Equipment: Newton Needs: UnSTUFing utility, means of transfer Keywords: NEWTON WEYER LIFE MATHEMATICS SIMULATION SOURCE DEVELOPMENT NEWT CELLULAR AUTOMATA CONWAY SOURCE This Newt source version of "the game of Life" and associated NTK packages are freeware and may be distributed freely as long as the file "life.nwt" is included and unmodified. You are free to make modifications for your own use. Contents: - life-12.pkg -- general implementation (Life 1.2) - life-12b.pkg -- a more optimized (bitmap-based) version (Life 1.2B) - life.nwt -- Newt source for Life 1.2 (Mac format text file in .sit/.hqx archives; DOS text in .zip archive) Life 1.2B (11/12/94) - provides scrub gesture for clear - allows grid size to be selected by user - uses all visible cells (1.2 does not use first&last row&col) - generates faster (1.5 - 3.5x Life 1.2) and allows larger grids by using a bitmap data structure for storage and drawing Life 1.2 (11/12/94) - modifies symbol names/program structure to be more consistent with 1.2B - fixes button highlighting glitch (sibling order) If you would like to construct and modify Life directly on your Newton, I would recommend obtaining the latest version of "Newt" (newt-devenv-24), the native Newton development environment (shareware), and "Slurpee" (slurpee-12) a text/data transfer utility (freeware). Contact me if you have trouble finding Newt, using it initially, or have questions about registering it. AOL: SteveWeyer This file has been checked with the latest version of McAfee Scan and/or DisInfectant 3.5 and is known to be virus-free at the time of uploading. This file can be found in the PDA Forum's Software Libraries (Keyword PDA).